(2016.2.20 Created) 


UART is a widely used means to communicate between microcontrollers, or between a microcontroller and a computer.



It is necessary to apply same settings both to a transmitter and to a receiver, because it does not have a clock line like SPI, I2C.



I am not an electrician, so I was not familiar about UART. However, when I use some equipments by computer, I was sometimes communicating by the RS-232C. Now USB are often used, but some old equipments may require RS-232C communication.


 さて、肝心のUARTですが使用するだけであればRS-232Cの電圧違いと思っておけばいいと思います。RS-232Cは±15V, UARTは3~5Vです。

You can regard UART is same as RS-232C except voltage, if you are simple user. RS-232C is +/- 15V, UART is 3 to 5V

接続 / Connection


 CTS, RTSという線をつなぐ場合もありますが、管理人はあまりお目にかかったことはありません。

 Connect RX/TX like the figure. You need level shift if the voltage level is different. There are sometimes another line called CTS, DTS line, but I haven't seen them so far.

通信フォーマット / Format


General UART format is shown below.


Initially the signal line is set to "high". When the transmitter intend to start communication, the transmitter set the TX pin to "Low". After that, the transmitter send predefined amount bits, and set back to "high". Sometimes the additional bit called parity bit is added before the end of communication, but it is not often.



As mentioned  before, you need to set speed and formats before communication started. Items and values are often used are shown below.

Item Value (Usual)
通信速度 / Baud Rate 9600 * N
Parity None
Stop Bit 1 Bit